@ddams F@mily


Wednesday Addams looked out the window, waiting for
her b*****r to arrive. The length of cording in her
hand was starting to make her hand cramp.

She smiled to herself. She _liked_ cramps.

A movement at the end of the walk… yes! It was
Pugsley. She watched as he bounced along the walkway
between the hedgework. Almost time… almost…

Pugsley glanced down, and saw a small &#034x&#034 chalked on
the walkway ahead of him. He paused, glancing up
without moving his head. Yes, there… behind that

A mischievous grin spread over his face. He stepped
over the mark.

Wednesday released her cord.


The huge blade swung past Pugsley, just brushing the
seat of his pants as he hurried forward at a pace
slightly faster than normal. He turned and watched
the razor-sharp battle-ax swing back and forth on
the end of a slender cable over the walkway until it

He glanced up at the window; Wednesday had disappeared.
He felt a cool breeze, and felt the back of his pants.
The ax had neatly sliced a three-inch piece off the
seat of his pants.

&#034Very close, Wednesday,&#034 he muttered, a sly grin on
his face. &#034Very close.&#034

He went on into the house and upstairs to change his
pants. He had a guest coming to stay the night. After
all, it wouldn’t be proper to greet him with holed

On his way to his room, he stopped outside the door
to Wednesday’s room. &#034Better bring in your ax, s*s,&#034
he said to the closed door.

The door opened a crack. Wednesday’s somber face
peeked out. &#034What ax?&#034

Pugsley giggled. &#034Come on, let’s set it up for Papa.&#034

The two c***dren dashed over to the window. Pugsley
reached up and pulled down the cord, raising the ax.
Wednesday pushed a wire out the window and caught the
cable, and pulled it back, resetting the catch.

Once it was set, Pugsley tied off the cable, ready for
the next try.

Wednesday walked around behind her b*****r, and noticed
the hole in his trousers. She stopped, looked at the
opening in the fabric, and the cleft in the white flesh
behind it.

Quickly, she formed a fist, with her thumb sticking
out, she jammed it between the exposed cheeks.

&#034Whoop!&#034 Pugsley jumped, almost falling through the
window. He whipped around, his hands reaching back
to cover himself.

&#034That’s called a goose,&#034 Wednesday said, almost

Pugsley grinned, and looked lustfully at his s****r.
&#034Can I try it?&#034

&#034Why not?&#034 Wednesday sneered. &#034It’s your ass.&#034 She
turned and walked away.

Pugsley, covering his bare spot, headed toward his

The door chimes rang hollowly. The smallish boy stood
on the front porch of the great house, looking around
himself. &#034Looks a lot like home,&#034 he thought.

The great door swung open slowly. The tall man looked
down at him. &#034You rang?&#034 he groaned.

&#034I’m Eddie Munster,&#034 the boy grinned up at him.
&#034Pugsley invited me over to spend the night.&#034

The tall butler moaned and nodded slowly. He stepped
inside and motioned toward the staircase.

Eddie picked up his gym bag and dashed up the stairs.

Morticia Addams called from her peacock chair in the
sitting room. &#034Lurch, is that Pugsley’s little friend?&#034

The butler groaned assent as he entered the room.

&#034Very good. I hope they have a good time.&#034 She held
out her teacup. &#034Please?&#034

Lurch took the cup and saucer and headed to the table
where a teapot sat steaming. He poured a cup and took
it back to Mrs. Addams.

&#034Gomez is due home soon,&#034 she smiled up at him. &#034Do
check to make sure the c***dren have not set up any-
thing too deadly.&#034

The butler nodded, turned, and headed toward the hall.

At that moment, there was a metallic clash outdoors,
accompanied by a shout of triumph.

The front door swung open. Gomez stood at the door,
twirling the battle-ax like a drum-major’s baton.

&#034I must congratulate the c***dren,&#034 he said, gleefully.
&#034Very ingenious, but a tad slow.&#034 He removed the stub
of a cigar from between his teeth. &#034Still, it did ruin
a fine cigar.&#034

He handed the ax to Lurch as he entered the house, and
followed Morticia back into the sitting room. He step-
ped over by a small end-table. A box on the table
opened, and a hand appeared, holding a new cigar.

&#034Why, thank you, Thing,&#034 Gomez grinned, taking the
cigar. The hand disappeared, and came back with a
lighted match.

Gomez leaned forward, puffing the cigar as he lit it
with Thing’s match. As Gomez straightened back up,
Thing pulled the lid down on the box.

&#034Where are the c***dren?&#034 Gomez asked.

&#034They’re upstairs,&#034 Morticia said. &#034Pugsley has a
young friend over tonight.&#034

&#034Is tonight that night?&#034 Gomez smiled. &#034The Munster
boy, right?&#034

Morticia nodded.

&#034Have you met him yet?&#034 he asked.

&#034No, I expect Pugsley to bring him down soon for a

&#034Rendezvous!&#034 Gomez gasped. &#034Tish! That’s French!&#034

He grabbed Morticia’s hand, and kissed her fingers,
then the back of her hand, moving up her arm. When
he reached her shoulder, she pushed him back.

&#034Save some for later,&#034 she said,

&#034Eddie,&#034 Pugsley grinned, &#034I’d like you to meet my
s****r, Wednesday.&#034

&#034Wednesday? Why not tonight?&#034 Eddie asked, puzzled.

&#034Wednesday is my name, silly,&#034 Wednesday said, almost

&#034Oh. Sorry.&#034

&#034It’s all right,&#034 she said, touching his arm. &#034Every-
body does the same thing. It’s Pugsley’s little joke.&#034

&#034What do you want to play?&#034 Pugsley said, jumping up
and down. &#034How about ‘Electric Chair’? I LIKE that

Wednesday shook her head. &#034How about ‘Dungeon’?&#034

&#034That’s a good one too,&#034 Pugsley said, clapping his

&#034Let’s go downstairs, then.&#034 Wednesday took Eddie’s
hand. &#034I’m so glad you came along to spend the night.&#034

Eddie looked at her, a small expression of puzzlement
on his face. Wednesday’s face showed no expression at
all. The three youngsters headed downstairs.

Uncle Fester closed the cover on the listening-pipe.
‘Dungeon’, eh?&#034 he muttered. &#034That’s one of MY
favorites, too!&#034

He slithered out of his chair, and slipped into the
secret passageway that led to the basement.

The three c***dren bounced down the stairs. As they
reached the doorway to the sitting room, Gomez sprang
through the door, brandishing his fencing foil. The
tip of the blade quivered a few inches in front of
Pugsley’s nose.

&#034What, ho!&#034 Gomez shouted.

&#034Hi, Pop!&#034 Pugsley grinned.

&#034Aren’t you going to introduce us?&#034 Gomez smiled.

&#034Pop, this is my friend Eddie. Eddie Munster.&#034

The young man extended his hand. Gomez put the foil
under his left arm and shook Eddie’s hand solemnly.

&#034Pleased to meet you. Do you fence?&#034

&#034Only when there’s a full moon,&#034 Eddie said.

&#034Eh?&#034 Gomez scratched his head.

&#034Yeah, I fence all over the neighborhood.&#034 Eddie
smiled, charmingly.

&#034He means sword-fighting,&#034 Pugsley whispered.

&#034Oh.&#034 Eddie looked chagrined. &#034I don’t do that.
I thought he meant marking territory.&#034

Gomez shook his head, puzzled. &#034You should introduce
Eddie to your mother,&#034 he told Pugsley.

Pugsley nodded. He ushered the others into the sit-
ting room.

Lurch stepped up behind Gomez, as the smaller man
watched the c***dren introduce Eddie to Morticia.

&#034There’s something about that boy,&#034 Gomez mused.
&#034I wonder what he meant about territory.&#034

Lurch moaned deeply, rolling his eyes, as he turned

Fester reached the lower levels of the house, and
opened a small trap door that looked into the play-
chamber with its equipment. He made sure that he
was hidden completely in the shadows, and settled
into a corner.

He twisted a few times on the stool to make sure it
was still silent. &#034All ready,&#034 he muttered. &#034Let’s
bring on the show.&#034

He watched the stairway expectantly.

Introductions made, the c***dren dashed to the stairs
leading to the basement.

Gomez called after them, &#034Be careful, c***dren. Don’t
make too big a mess.&#034

&#034We won’t,&#034 Wednesday called back.

At the foot of the first staircase, Wednesday turned
on the lights for the second stairwell.

&#034Watch your step, Eddie,&#034 she whispered. &#034The third
step is a bit longer than the others.&#034

Eddie nodded. &#034Just like home,&#034 he grinned.

The three c***dren bounced down the stairs and entered
the playroom. Eddie looked around at the equipment and

&#034I’ve always wanted a room like this,&#034 he said.

&#034I’m first!&#034 Pugsley shouted. The sound was muffled
by the walls, which were covered with ancient Persian

Wednesday nodded. &#034Then I get to choose the game.&#034
She pointed at an upright post with chains and man-

&#034The Post!&#034 Pugsley grinned. &#034Good choice.&#034

&#034Take off your shirt,&#034 Wednesday instructed.

Pugsley eagerly complied.

Wednesday latched the manacles around Pugsley’s
wrists, and pulled the chains through a loop,
tugging Pugsley’s arms up over his head.

Pugsley faced the post, his naked back toward the
other two. Wednesday chose a cat-of-nine-tails from
a rack, and swung it experimentally.

&#034Ready?&#034 she asked.

Pugsley nodded.

Wednesday swung the whip. <<CRACK!>> The lashes
slapped Pugley’s back with a nice snap. Eddie
could see red welts forming.

&#034Oh, yes,&#034 Pugsley gasped. &#034That’s good. Again!&#034

Wednesday was happy to comply. <<CRACK!>>

&#034YES! Again!&#034 <<CRACK!

Uncle Fester, his dark corner, leaned forward,
watching intently. His hand went to his lap,
where he rubbed at a growing lump under his robe.

Wednesday handed the whip to Eddie. &#034Your turn,&#034 she

Eddie swung the whip.

&#034Here,&#034 Wednesday said, as she held Eddie’s wrist hand.
She stood behind him, guiding his arm through a proper

Eddie felt her body against his, her breath on his
neck, and the warmth of her hand on his. A stirring
began in his groin. It was all he could do to con-
concentrate on what he was doing.

&#034Like this,&#034 she said, firmly. The whip flew through
the air,cracking sharply against Pugsley’s skin.

&#034Nnnngh!&#034 gasped Pugsley. &#034One more!&#034

Wednesday stepped back away from Eddie. He glanced
back at her. Was that a flush on her face, or was
she just excited from the activity?

He turned his attention back to the matter at hand.
He swung the whip, and it snapped against Pugsley’s
bare skin again.

&#034Unngh! Good one!&#034 Pugsley squirmed against the
chain. &#034Now it’s Wednesday’s turn.&#034

Wednesday shook her head. &#034I want to do the wheel.&#034
She lowered Pugsley’s arms, and unfastened the man-

She walked over to the large wheel. &#034Eddie, help
me…&#034 Pugsley and Eddie followed her.

Wednesday stepped up onto the foot supports, set
about three feet apart at the bottom of the wheel.
Pugsley wrapped a leather band around her left ankle.
Eddie, following suit, fastened down her right ankle.

She stretched out her arms, gripping pegs that were
set into the wheel. Pugsley strapped down her left
wrist, and Eddie worked on her right.

&#034Step back,&#034 Pugsley instructed. He reached up and
grasped the edge of the wheel, and pulled down on it.
The wheel began to turn, Wednesday’s body turning with
it, like a large wheel.

&#034Faster,&#034 Wednesday instructed.

Pugsley pulled on the wheel again, and it began to
spin faster. Eddie watched, fascinated as the girl’s
body spun in front of him. She seemed to be flexing
herself as she spun, but didn’t seem to be in pain.

Then Eddie noticed that her dress was starting to work
up her legs. It was over her knees, revealing her white

&#034This is the part I like,&#034 Pugsley said, pulling on
the wheel again.

Wednesday’s dress continued to move up her body. It
was almost as if it had a will of its own. But Eddie
noted, it was Wednesday who was controlling it. When
she was right-side-up, she had her body pressed against
the wheel, holding her dress still. But when she was
up-side-down, she pushed away from the wheel, allowing
the dress to slide.

Her white panties were visible now. They were tight
against her body, revealing the gentle curves of her
body, the split mound between her legs. Eddie was

The dress moved on, up her body, settling into a mound
under her arms. Her white belly quivered with excite-

Eddie involuntarily reached for his groin. The pres-
sure down there was getting rather high.

Pugsley glanced at him and grinned. &#034Gettin’ a boner?&#034
he whispered. &#034This gives me one every time!&#034

He pulled a lever behind the wheel, and it screeched
to a halt. Wednesday was up-side down, her body
revealed to Eddie’s hungry eyes.

&#034Why’d you stop?&#034 Wednesday said, crossly.

&#034Our guest wanted a better look,&#034 Pugsley snickered.

Eddie stepped up closer. He reached out and touched
Wednesday’s mound gently.

&#034Never seen it before?&#034 Pugsley snickered.

Eddie shook his head. &#034My cousin always keeps her
door closed. I’ve tried, though.&#034

Wednesday moaned, &#034Hey, let me up.&#034

&#034In a minute, s*s.&#034 Pugsley reached over and stroked
Wednesday’s thigh.

&#034No,&#034 Wednesday moaned. &#034Not like this… Let me up.&#034

Pugsley’s hand moved down her thigh to the nexus of her
legs. He took hold of Eddie’s hand, and pressed his
fingers against Wednesday’s panty-covered pussy.

&#034It’s warm,&#034 Eddie mumbled. &#034And wet.&#034

Pugsley laughed. &#034It gets better.&#034

Uncle Fester, behind his wall, stood up and pulled up
his robe, and sat back down. He gripped his cock and
began to stroke, slowly.

&#034Let me up,&#034 Wednesday pleaded. &#034I’ll give you…
I’ll give you…&#034

&#034Give us what?&#034 Pugsley demanded.

&#034You know…&#034 Wednesday whimpered.

Pugsley nodded. &#034Like last time?&#034

&#034Yeah. Let me up.&#034

Pugsley rotated the wheel. When she was upright, her
dress fell back down, catching at her hips, hanging
just over her crotch.

Pugsley began to unfasten her feet. &#034Remember your
promise,&#034 he chided. Then he unfastened her hand.
Eddie mirrored his actions on her right.

Wednesday rubbed her wrists. Pugsley stepped back,
and began to unfasten his pants.

Wednesday cocked her head at him. &#034Shouldn’t our guest
go first?&#034 she asked.

Pugsley glanced over at the blushing Eddie. &#034I don’t
think he’s ready yet,&#034 he grimaced. &#034Are you, Eddie?&#034

Eddie, unsure of quite what was going on, shook his

&#034There, you see?&#034 Pugsley exalted. &#034I’m first.&#034

&#034Okay,&#034 Wednesday sighed resignedly. She turned to
Eddie. &#034Watch carefully, Eddie.&#034 Her eye sparkled.
&#034’Cause you’re next.&#034

Pugsley’s pants were down around his feet. He kicked
out of them, then pulled down his underwear. Eddie
could see his weenie, small but hard, standing straight
up, tight against his body. There was a thin curl of
dark hair around its base, but barely any scrotum un-
derneath it.

Eddie thought about his own organs; he was built bigger
than Pugsley, he smiled to himself. And he had a nice
pair of balls hanging under his cock. All he lacked
was the curl of hair.

Wednesday stepped up to Pugsley and sat down on the
floor in front of him. She gripped Pugsley’s erection
with her hand, and began to pump it slowly.

Uncle Fester, in his dark corner, slowed his own strok-
ing to match the speed of hers.

Pugsley closed his eyes, and tilted his head back. &#034I
can do it myself,&#034 he told Eddie. &#034But it feels so
much better when she does it to me.&#034

Wednesday picked up her pace a little, her hand moving
back and forth on Pugsley’s penis, until Pugsley took
a deep breath and held it.

Wednesday leaned forward, placing her lips just on the
tip end of his cock, stroking once more as Pugsley
came. He grunted, and Wednesday caught his sperm in
her little mouth.

After he had stopped sperting, Pugsley backed away from
her, breathless, until his back was against the whip-
ping post. He sank to the floor, leaning against the
post. &#034Oh so good,&#034 he finally breathed.

Wednesday scrambled to her feet and stepped over to a
small cauldron, and spat into it. She turned to Eddie.
&#034Are you ready?&#034

Eddie blinked, blankly. Something inside him turned,
and he felt a little itchy… a familiar feeling…
&#034Oh, no!&#034 he thought, &#034Not now!&#034

Wednesday stepped up to him, and placed her hand on
the bulge in his pants. &#034I think you’re ready,&#034 she
almost-smiled. She pulled gently on the waistband of
his pants. &#034Take ’em off,&#034 she whispered. &#034I’ll
make it feel good.&#034

Eddie hesitated. &#034I’ve got to go to the bathroom,&#034 he

A frown crossed Wednesday’s face. &#034Now?&#034

Eddie nodded, nervously.

She pointed at the stairs. &#034Up the stairs — both
sets — and to the right.&#034

Eddie ran toward the steps. Wednesday gazed after him,
a strange look in her eyes.

&#034Nnngh!&#034 Fester grunted quietly, as a glob of
greenish-white goo gushed out of his organ, landing
on the wall ahead of him. It glowed in the darkness
of his hiding-place. It joined several other splashes
of older stuff on the wall.

He reached up and closed the little door silently. He
turned on his stool and leaned against the side wall,
catching his breath.

&#034Should be time enough to recover before the other one
comes back,&#034 he muttered to himself.

Gomez stood beside his wife’s peacock chair. He heard
footsteps running up the stone stairs, then the bath-
room door slammed shut.

&#034What do you think of our little guest?&#034 he asked,

Morticia’s eyebrow raised slightly. &#034My first impres-
sion is that he’s quite a mensch.&#034

&#034Mensch!&#034 Gomez gasped. &#034Tish, that’s French!&#034 He
grabbed at her hand.

Morticia pulled it away from his lips. &#034Yiddish, dear.
Or German.&#034

&#034Close enough,&#034 Gomez leered.

&#034Are you man enough?&#034 Morticia leered back. &#034Are you

Gomez roared. A friendly, lusty, happy roar. He
reached down and slipped an arm under Morticia’s knees,
and the other under her shoulders. She put her arms
around his neck as he lifted her.

&#034I’ll show you who’s man enough!&#034 he shouted. He
carried her out the door and up the stairs toward the
master bedroom.


Eddie looked in the bathroom mirror. His feeling was
right — he was growing hair.

&#034I forgot about the full moon,&#034 he whined.

He watched himself in the mirror as his nose turned
dark and lengthened. Fine, dark hair formed on each
side of the nose, and spread quickly across his face.

He looked down at his hands; they too were rapidly
covering with fur.

He scrambled out of his clothing; no need to ruin
another set of clothes. He stashed the clothes behind
the waste basket under the sink, and before he comp-
letely lost the use of his fingers, he opened the
bathroom door a crack.

He put his front paws up on the sink and looked at
himself again in the mirror. He shook his head sadly.
&#034Why now?&#034 he thought, &#034just as I was about to get…&#034
The wolf-cub in the mirror didn’t offer any answer.

There was a sound in the hallway; someone was roaring.

He nudged the door open with his nose and glanced down
the hall. Mr. Addams was carrying his wife upstairs.
Glancing both ways, he slipped out the door, and headed
for the front door.

He jumped up and put a paw on the doorknob. It wouldn’t
turn under his pads.

&#034Eddie?&#034 A voice behind him — down the hall. He slid
over into the shadows and looked back.

Wednesday had come upstairs looking for him. He looked
at her with a touch of sadness, remembering what was
under that long dress of hers. Involuntarily, he whined.

&#034Eddie?&#034 Wednesday looked into the open door of the
bathroom, then followed the sound of the canine whine.

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